

Eraser is available in a few flavours, the stable, the beta as well as the nightly builds. Stable builds of Eraser are builds in which few, if any, bugs remain ...

Eraser (software)

Eraser is an open-source secure file erasure tool available for the Windows operating system. It supports both file and volume wiping.


Fully erase data from your hardrive. When you empty files from the recycle bin, they are not securely deleted from your hard drive.

Eraser download

評分 3.8 (88) · 免費 · Windows Download Eraser for free. A security tool to remove sensitive data from your Windows hard drive. Eraser is a secure data removal tool for Windows.


Eraser is an advanced security tool for Windows which allows you to completely remove sensitive data from your hard drive by overwriting it several times. Eraser Settings · Using Eraser · When do I need to use Eraser? · Download

Our 31 Favorite Free File Shredder Programs in 2025

Eraser is a very well-designed file shredder program. As far as advanced options go, Eraser wins the file shredder competition hands down. It ...

Secure File Deletion with Eraser

Configure Eraser to delete files securely. · Open the Eraser app. · Click Settings then click the 'Default file erasure method' drop-down. Choose “US DoD ...

[PDF] 電子檔案長期保存新知儲存媒體銷毀(File Shredder) (1020131_01 ...

Eraser 可以直接針對整個儲存媒體進行覆寫,而File Shredder 沒. 有此項功能,若要針對整個儲存媒體進行覆寫,必須自行手動一個一. 個選取檔案或資料夾。File Shredder 的覆寫 ...


Eraserisavailableinafewflavours,thestable,thebetaaswellasthenightlybuilds.StablebuildsofEraserarebuildsinwhichfew,ifany,bugsremain ...,Eraserisanopen-sourcesecurefileerasuretoolavailablefortheWindowsoperatingsystem.Itsupportsbothfileandvolumewiping.,Fullyerasedatafromyourhardrive.Whenyouemptyfilesfromtherecyclebin,theyarenotsecurelydeletedfromyourharddrive.,評分3.8(88)·免費·WindowsDownloadEras...

Moo0 FileShredder 1.22 檔案徹底刪除不留痕跡

Moo0 FileShredder 1.22 檔案徹底刪除不留痕跡


Free File Wiper 1.91 徹底刪除檔案的垃圾桶

Free File Wiper 1.91 徹底刪除檔案的垃圾桶
